Katharine Slough – OSC
Another fine collaboration with Lady Lisabetta Medaglia. This one went wonderfully! After we accepted the assignment she was able to get...
Wynefryd Bredhers – Order of the Silver Wheel
Holy gold on a Silver Wheel! By the time the pieces all came together, I had roughly 3 and a...
Olivia Baker – Order of the Sapphire
For this years War of the Roses (Go York!) I had the pleasure of working with Lady Elisabeth Greenleaf. Elisabeth did...
Sorcha Inghean Duinn – AoA
This was an interesting scroll to work on. Baroness Lillian atte Valeye did an awesome job on the Illumination. The...
Ban of Wintermoor – AoA
My first collaboration with Aislinn at her request. The night before the event she called me because she was unable...
Marjorie Parmentar – AoA
My second work with Lorita. This one done in Bastard Secretary. Admittedly it’s a little late period and english, but...
Temyl zwie Breuken – AoA
This was my first of two collaborative scrolls with Lorita. For this one I picked up Fraktur script to help...
Therion Sean Stori – Order of the Silver Rams Horn
My first Baronial scroll, again done in Rotunda. JP and Lylie finally got me to do work for them, to...
Maegwyn att Gearboerg – AoA
This was my first collaboration work. I had the pleasure of working with Fiona O’Maille, a Laurel who’m I’m apprenticed...
Maria Elena Reynosa – AoA
Rotunda Script and Noodler’s X-Feather ink. This was one of two scrolls going out to a friend before she moved...