Order of the Maunche
To say that today was an exciting and busy day, would be an understatement. Not only were my Lovely wife...

Auron MacInstalker – Award of Arms
I love doing scrolls for friends, and getting a bunch of friends toghether makes it all the better! Lorita had...

Ástríðr Musi – Order of the Maunche
So a good friend reached out to me and asked if I’d like to do a Maunche for her Apprentice. ...
Matija Potocnik – Award of Arms
So this started out as another team up for a fellow concordian. It wasn’t until I started working on this...
Cailleach Dhe ingen Chiarain – Silver Wheel
Another beautiful collaboration with Lisa Cotton! She’d posted on the EK Scribe site in a panic, looking for a scribe...
Nuala MacKensie – AoA
After cranking out a few Baronial awards based off of the Vespasian Psalter, I wanted to change it up a...
Allaster del Blair – AoA
Another collaborative scroll with Lorita de Siena. The second where we’d changed up the order of operations. Words and calligraphy...
Therion Sean Storie – OGR
This was an interesting one on the back end. I received word from my wife that our Baron had decided...
Bergsveinn Hondbrotna – Order of the Silver Tyger
So this past Saturday was the 100 Minutes War in North New Jersey. I dropped off a scroll at East...