To say I was giddy when I received this assignment is an understatement. I’ve known the Meinhardt family for a little while and watched them grow in the SCA. Kilian himself was about to age out for this award so I was very excited for the chance to make this.
Be it known that We, Mohammad and Corotica, King and Queen of the East, have seen and heard much of the good works of Our noble young servant, Kilian Meinhardt, who has, by virtue of his worthy behavior and decorum at events within Our Realm, become a shining example to his fellows, and brought much gladness to Our people. Most especially through his service in the kitchens and with his strong knees and back, assisting setup and take down for events. Additionally he has been seeing participating in Youth Combat, Fencing, and the Arts. Therefore are We pleased to welcome him into Our Order of the Tygers Cub and bestow upon him the position of Page to the Crown of the East, that all shall know of his virtues. By Our Hand this 18th day of March, A.S. LVII(57) at High Nobility & Low Stakes in Our Barony of Concordia of the Snows.
The Cadel was inspired by the Mira Calligraphia monumenta (1561-1562) by combining features of and H and R to form a B.