I was finally able to get myself together enough to take on another assignment. This time an OGR for another German fencer! Thus I turned to my favorite Fraktur resources.
I love doing Fraktur scrolls from this source. The bits of flashy gold, minimal colors, red lines, and red ink sketches. It’s a bit of Illumination I feel comfortable doing. It’s one of the few styles that I’m really comfortable with. Mostly because I’m REALLY comfortable with the script! With this style the little flourishes really make it sing. The rest deserves its due detail, but it feels largely like additional dressing to me. Especially after leafing through the manuscript pages and seeing how sparse some of them are.

The Gold I used was Dr. PH Martins Iridescent Copper Plate Gold. I’m not sure how I feel about it. It separates super quickly, it’s a little finicky to work with on a broad nib, but the end result with enough laters is kinda nice. So yeah, jury is still out on that one.
- Vegitable Perg
- De Atramentis Document Black ink
- Dr PH Martins Iridescent Copper Plate Gold ink
- Tape nibs of various sizes
- Unknown brand pointed nibs