I decided to circle back on a B that I had done for another scroll and give another go, working my own stile this time. Still inspired by the Mira Calligraphia, but freehand, and kind of tweaking it as I practiced it. I must say, it turned out grand!
I once again visited my source materials for the H and R, working on stitching them together and trying to expand my creativity a bit more.

I’m still stoked over how fun the practice was. Yeah, it was a little stressful, but as things started falling into place, it started to feel kind of natural.
Also, can I say how much I enjoy doing calligraphy on perg? Not only does it take the inks I use, very well! Heaven forbid I need to do some cleanup, that tends to be fairly forgiving as well.
I also had a LOT of fun with the flourishes around the bits of text.
Be it known that We, Tindal, King and Emerson, King Consort, have long observed the activity in the Arts of Fiber by Our most noble servant Armiger Catelin Straquhin, and know them to be worthy of recognition and advancement for the improvements caused in Our Realm by their tireless efforts. From the historical knitting of mittens and hats, to researching and producing outfit after outfit for themself and those they love. Therefore do We induct them into Our Order of the Silver Brooch. In witness whereof We have set Our Hand this day, Anno Societatis LVIII (58), at Tournament of the Daffodils in Our Shire of Midland Vale.

- Ink: Daniel Smith Walnut Ink – gorgeous brown that handles really well
- Gold: Dr. PH Martins, Copper Plate Gold – it burnishes so well when dry
- Silver: Japanese Silver Mica ink – also, burnished surprisingly well
- Medium: Perg (of course)