Backlog scroll from Gulf War A.S. 56 that was done on the spot in recognition of her service.

Words by Mistress Amarie de St. Denis
Many hands make light work. For some, their hands do the work of many. One such person is Angela of Panther Vale. Always ready with a smile and helping hands, she works tirelessly in support of the Dream, ensuring that everything runs smoothly. She slips in and takes care of problems before many even know that they exist. No longer will We let her hide quietly in the shadows. Her work has not gone unnoticed and it is time that others see her for what she is – a lady of Our court. Thereby do we, Ioannes and Honig, King and Queen of the East, award unto her arms, to be held solely by her alone, on this 17th day of March, A.S. 56 at Gulf War.

Cadel M borrowed from my new favorite manuscript, due to all the Cadels in it. This one I didn’t have to design on my own, unlike the previous scroll for Bartholomew.
Unfortunately, due to a bout of life and fighting depression, it took me over a year to complete this scroll.