Scrolls Made

Matija Potocnik – Award of Arms

So this started out as another team up for a fellow concordian.  It wasn’t until I started working on this scroll that I realized that he was Ástríðr’s husband!  I had the privlidge of doing scrolls for a couple that I knew!

Words by Lorita:

Great Brennan, Emperor so fierce and bold,
and Caoilfhionn, Empress fiery and fair,
to all Their Eastern subjects now declare:
“Good acts of service value more than gold,
and rapier skill is joyful to behold.
Our barony Concordia does bear
one gentle who well pleases Us. Aware
that such good work must never go untold,
We give to Matija now the rank of Lord
and privilege to bear his Arms, with all
the rights and joys this title does afford.
This thirtieth day of June in Our court-hall
at EK Fiftieth, We set Our words.
Bear witness to this deed now, one and all.”
Done in AS 53, in the shire of Glenn Linn.


  • Homemade black walnut ink
  • Archers watercolor paper

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