Not much to say, other than this was a nice assignment to work on. I had time to work on it at a slightly leisurely pace. I don’t think I know this individual, but the time allowed me to give it the attention it deserved. It was nice to have a scroll I did all on my own again.
It’s been a while since I’ve been able to work with Perg. I was able to figure out a new way of creating traceable printouts to the exact size I needed without any guess work! I’m looking forward to leveraging that more in the future.
Be it known to all that Our good and noble Cillene O Caollaidhe has worked long and hard for the benefit of all, most especially as Exchequer, Webminister, Chronicler, Staff, DEIB Advisory Group and and and, across Shires and Kingdoms and Society, her service knows no borders.
Long has she toiled through the numbers, sifted through the code, untangled the provisioning of accounts, and kept record for all to bare witness to.
Therefore, at the request of the Companions and by Our wish, We, Matthew and Fiamuin King and Queen of the Eastrealm, do induct the Honerable Cillene into Our Order of the Silver Crescent, and further do Grant her the exclusive right to bear these Arms: Per pale purpure and argent, a butterfly counterchanged, on a chief Or five trefoils vert. In witness whereof We set Our hand this day, Anno Societatis LIX, at Crown’s Arts & Sciences Champions Competition in Our Barony of Settmour Swamp.