To say that today was an exciting and busy day, would be an understatement. Not only were my Lovely wife and I Invested as Baron and Baroness of Concordia of the Snows, but shortly thereafter, I was called up in front of their
Around the time of the server crash, I thought something had been up as my traffic spiked something fierce! I”d offhandedly made the comment “huh, traffic spike. I wonder if that means the pollings are out” to my wife. Her reply was a nervous chuckle with and “maybe, not sure”. The next couple of events I went to I was a little nervous and excited. That gradually faded as nothing happened and I got caught up in Investiture prep.
The Medallion has started it”s lineage as it belonged to my Laurel, Fiona, before passing it on to me. She hopes that I will, in turn, pass it down if/when I have students of my own, or as my student siblings make it to the Order.
The scroll was tag-teamed by Aislinn Chiabach and Æsa Sturludottir. I was informed that they had pounced upon the opportunity once my name hit the Poling list for the Order.
Traveling roads caked in dark sienna
Words by Aislinn Chiabach
This day We have come to this hostelry
We Majesties Wilhelm and Vienna
With all the East Kingdom in company
Called to our thrones, before us on bent knee
We have here the scribe Faolanan Sccreccain
A lordknown forskill with parchment and pen
His skill has grown from scribbles of knotwork
Done sitting on stairs while dancers did lurk
Now crafts manuscripts, full of the graces
done fine, in the tiniest of spaces
A combat scribe, Our Faolanan Sccreccain
Calligraphy skills used time and again
Imagine him clad in drab olive-black
Hiding behind trees, wary of attack
Inscribing scrolls lost or suddenly inspired
Avoiding onslaught with muck, not desired!
Creating words in a Barony blue
Working with inks to achievevaried hue
He collects fonts and letters aplenty
His portfolio will ne’er be empty
Today he joins the Order of the Maunche
His great artistry for the East, most staunch
These arms which we grant for him alone:
Argent, two porcupines statant erect respectant maintaining between them two pens in saltire, a mountain of three peaks sable.
The wearing of these, We will condone
In Concordia, Barony of Snows
We Celebrate fellowship straightaway
Surrounded with this ridiculous prose
27th, October is the day
Expressly pleased are We, with all surveyed
On Anno Societatisfifty three
What can I say about the words? Purely a testament to how long Aislinn has known me. Details from my early college days, back when I was barely a fringe member of the SCA, attending the local dance practice and sketching out knotwork because the dances were confusing. There”s a reference in there of my first combat scribe event, Tourney of the Daffodils, where I created a promissory scroll (Ibrahim) and Queens Order of Courtesy (Briony).