So, a funny thing happened to me on my way to Dancing Fox…
TLDR: Yes, I’m frequently DENSE, and I was inducted into the Order of the Laurel
So, a thing happened at Dancing fox. A big thing. A thing that I figured would happen eventually, but not for a while longer.
I had plans to go to the event, congratulate the kiddo on their AoA, congratulate Olivia on her Pelican, find a place to sit, chat, do some calligraphy practice, and just chill.
I thought nothing of it when my Laurel was called up to their Majusties, talking history, friendships, and begging a boon. I figured it’d be the recognition of a common friend from back in the day. I was going to reach for my bag, when they called my name. I got, got.
After I was brought up to my vigil space, it finally dawned on me WHY some of the friends I was seeing at a winter dancing event, were there.
Bits and pieces keep floating back, often bringing a few tears of joy and appreciation. Every conversation, a treasure. The food, a dream.
Being called in again, donning the regalia, hearing the speakers, seeing my scroll, all just perfect.
Faolán an Sccreccain, Master of the Laurel
I drove home that day with an incredibly full heart.

I got my dream scroll, a period style box that I can keep my stuff in, bring to events, and sit on. It initially was a joke about me being able to “rest on my laurels”, and I love it!