Wait, the tags include Event Expedient AND Backlog. How can you have an Event Expedient BACKLOG scroll?! Simple, you attend The Great Quintavian Iron Scribe competition hosted by Shire of Quintavia in Berlin, MA. While there, after the competitors have started, sign up for a Backlog Scroll and get started. Do your best to finish the calligraphy around the same time the competition ends! Or at least, that”s what I did.
The words were already done, all I had to do was put them on paper and then decorate. The words were done in just under 3 hours with the bones of the capital and guide lines for dots also done.
Ivan, by right of arms King of the East, and Matilde, his beauteous Queen, to all whom these letters come, greetings. Know that we, under the advisement of our populace, do hereby induct Fearghus O”Conchobhair into our order of the Silver Wheel. Furthermore, we do confirm his right to bear the following arms: Per bend sinister gules and vert, a bend sinister cotised between a pheasant volant to sinister chief wings addorsed and a dog statant contourny argent, to be borne by him only. Done this feast of St. Goran, the seventh of April AS 52, at the Coronation of Brennan and Caoilfhionn in the Shire of Quintavia.
Words by Simona bat Leon, inspired by Alys Mackyntoich