Boy was this one a bit of a learning experience. The assignment came in and in the Notes section was “Black Hours!?”. If that wasn’t a hint as to what direction to go in, I don’t know what is. Now, I’m not a fan of doing illumination, but I took a look at an example off of wikipedia and figured it was simple enough, even I could pull it off. White text on black paper, with gold images and two colors to cover up the black and make a new background.

The assignment had to wait a few weeks while I finished up the previous one. Once I was ready to start, I started to take a deeper look at the images. Thankfully folks tend to provide decent quality images.
I started lining the piece, having a good time using my ruling pen. I got a little to lax with the ruler, and on the last line, I dragged the ruler though the ink, smearing it. Frustrated, I shifted my attention back to the example and started to notice some additional details that I’d missed. They turned out to be some enlightening details. Like, how they used just about the same steps I did, only they lined the whole section, did the line of gold text at the top, then marked out where the D was to bed, painting over the previously penned lines. Following the second to last line next to the D, I noticed that I could faintly see the line continue on behind the paint, behind the gold. A bit of it could be seen between the outline of the D and the gold fill. I thought the use of Blue as a new background layered on the black was a neat trick, but noticing that bit of line was just cool.
Unfortunately, due to some life events, time started to get away from me. I was able to finish the text, and the gold illumination. I reached a point where a hard decision had to be made. I had fully intended to do the blue background, like the example, but if I stated on that; there was a chance that I would not finish in time. It also ment I’d miss out on an evening I’d had planned months prior. In the end, I’m happy with my decision.
And yes, for as much as I’m not a fan of illumination, I actually kind of hit a groove with the vines. Adding in the thrown weapons and targets to take up space, was actually kind of fun.
Words by Meara MacNeil:
Hail and listen to the tale of one, William the Mysterious. While he walks in a shroud of mist that hides his movements and actions, it has never the less come to Our attention that though his deeds are many, mysterious and wrapped in the cloak of secrecy, tales of his actions have still made it to our ears. Whether it is marshaling the thrown weapons fields where he has also honed skills and the skills of others, or battling the snow monsters of Anglespur for the safety of others or offering his advice when it is needed the most, it is time that Willam become less Mysterious and step into the light of day and be acknowledge for his words, acts and deeds.
Thus do we Rex Tindal and Rex Consorte G Emerson True induct William into the Order of the Silver Wheel at the Tyger Family Schola AS LIX

I would like to say that this is going to be the last white on black for a while, but I already have another one queued up.